Silver-chlorexidine-liquid is effective to sterilize screw retaining abutment to implant space...
strumenti chirugici per impianti dentali realizzazione soprastrutture viti impianto kit chirurgico

strumenti chirugici per impianti dentali realizzazione soprastrutture viti impianto kit chirurgico Silver-chlorexidine-liquid is effective to sterilize screw retaining abutment to implant space...

Silver-chlorexidine-liquid is effective to sterilize screw retaining abutment to implant space...
Silver-chlorexidine-liquid is effective to sterilize screw retaining abutment to implant space...

Complete title: Silver-chlorexidine-liquid is effective to sterilize screw retaining abutment to implant space in already inserted fixture: An in vitro study

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Autori: Lauritano Dorina, Girardi Ambra, Bignozzi Carlo Alberto, Napoleone Claudio, De Lellis Riccardo, Carinci Francesco

ABSTRACT: Contamination of screw retaining abutment to implant space (SRAIS) creates an infected room at the implant abutment junction (IAJ) that can cause or maintain peri-implantitis. Aim of the present study is to determine whether the treatment of SRAIS with silverclorexidine liquid (named SBC-40) is able to sterilize SRAIS.

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